

Project realized by Massimo D’Alessandro
Architetti Associati

In one of the buildings of the EUR neighborhood in Rome, the client bought 2 different apartments one on top of each other: the bet was to gather the two different spaces in one organic residence,  to enlarge the space transforming two different spaces in one unique space 1+1=3. From the lighting to the ceiling, the objective was to assemble the two different spaces through an impressive stair but also by creating a communication between the two different floors with a big open ceiling. The large living room is dedicated to the collection of contemporary photographs of the owner. Concerning the pieces of design, most of them are coming from Gate 5 Gallery with a Table Singer & Sons by Gio Ponti, a sofa by Federico Munari, two coffee tables Mod 1774 by Fontana Arte, an armchair Model Distex by Gio Ponti, two floor lamps Mod 2020 by Fontana Arte, a pair of Bergères by Gio Ponti, two table lamps by Angelo Brotto, a glass table by Fontana Arte and coat hangers by Fontana Arte.

Table Singer & Sons by Gio Ponti
Sofa by Federico Munari
Two coffee tables Mod 1774 by Fontana Arte

Armchair Model Distex by Gio Ponti
Two floor lamps Mod 2020 by Fontana Arte
A pair of Bergere by Gio Ponti

Two table lamps by Angelo Brotto
A glass table by Fontana Arte
Coat hangers by Fontana Arte

Simone Bossi